Terminology | 中文辭彙 |
Accredited Teacher in HE (SEDA) | 教職員及高等教育拓展協會 認可高等教育教師 |
ACEnet | 經綸網 |
Alumni Tracer Study | 畢業生發展方向追蹤調查 |
Areas of Excellence | 卓越學術領域 |
Asian Medical Education Association | 亞洲醫學教育組織聯絡處 |
Association of University Presidents of China (AUPC) | 中國大學校長聯誼會 |
Beijing-Hong Kong University Alliance (BHUA) | 京港大學聯盟 |
Block Grant | 整體資助 |
Capital Grant (UGC) | 非經常性補助金 |
Certificate in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education | 高等教育教與學證書 (#1) |
Collaborative Research Fund (CRF) (#2) | 協作研究金 (#2) |
Competitive Bids | 競逐款項 |
Congregation | 學位頒授典禮 |
Corporate Environmental Governance Programme | 企業環境管治計劃 |
Croucher Foundation | 裘槎基金會 |
Distinguished Research Achievement Award | 卓越研究成就獎 |
Early Career Teaching Award | 新晉教員教學獎 |
Earmarked Grant | 特定項目撥款 |
Excellence in Education Quality Work Award | 卓越教育工作獎 |
Federation of Hong Kong Higher Education Staff Associations | 香港高等院校教職員會聯會 |
Formative Review | 發展性評檢 |
Foundation Day | 奠基紀念日〔三月十六日〕 |
General Research Fund (GRF) (#3) | 優配研究金 (#3) |
Graduate Employer Survey | 畢業生僱主調查 |
Graduate Learning Experience Questionnaire | 畢業生學習體驗問卷 |
Graduate Mentorship Programme | 畢業生指導計劃 |
Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau University Alliance (GHMUA) | 粵港澳高校聯盟 |
Heads of Universities Committee (HUCOM) | 大學校長會 |
Higher Education External Relations Association of Hong Kong (HEERA) | 香港高等教育外務協會 |
'HKU Worldwide' Programme | 香港大學世界聯繫網 |
HKU Public Opinion Programme (POP) | 香港大學民意網站 |
Hong Kong Lecture | 香港講座 |
Inaugural Lecture | 就職講座 |
Intensified Learning Opportunity Programme | 才能拓展計劃 |
Knowledge Navigation Centre | 知識導航中心 |
Licenses | 技術授權 |
Long Service Award | 長期服務獎 |
Matching Grant | 配對補助金 |
Medical Research Fellowship | 最優秀醫學科研學者獎 |
Member of Chinese Academy of Engineering | 中國工程院院士 |
Member of Chinese Academy of Sciences | 中國科學院院士 |
Mentorship Programme | 師友計劃 |
National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) Academic Collaboration Award | 海外及港澳學者合作研究基金 |
National Natural Sciences Prizes | 國家自然科學基金獎 |
National Residency Training Centre | 國家住院醫師規範化培訓基地 (#4) |
Outside Practice | 校外執業 |
Outstanding Research Student Supervisor Award | 傑出研究生導師 |
Outstanding Researcher Award | 傑出研究學者 |
Outstanding Teaching Award | 傑出教學獎 |
Outstanding Young Researcher Award | 傑出青年研究學者 |
Patents | 專利 |
Problem Based Learning | 「解疑為本」/「問題為本學習」 |
Professional Certificate in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education | 高等教育教與學專業證書 (#1) |
Public Lecture | 公開講座 |
QS Asia University Rankings | QS亞洲大學排名 |
QS Graduate Employability Rankings | QS畢業生就業能力排名 |
QS World University Rankings | QS世界大學排名 |
Recurrent Grant (UGC) | 經常性補助金 |
Reputable Charity Foundation Prize in Law | 威獎慈善基金獎 |
Research Grants Council | 研究資助局 |
Research Postgraduate Wellness Ambassadors | 研究生健康大使 |
Senior Research Fellowship Award | 優秀科研者獎 |
Shanghai-Hong Kong University Alliance (SHUA) | 滬港大學聯盟 |
Special Research Achievement Award | 研究成就特獎 |
Shaw's Prize | 邵逸夫獎 |
Staff and Educational Development Association | 教職員及高等教育拓展協會 |
State Natural Science Award | 國家自然科學獎 |
State Scientific and Technological Progress Award | 國家科學技術進步獎 |
State Technological Invention Award | 國家技術發明獎 |
Student Connect | 學生網聯 |
Summative Review | 綜合性評檢 |
Teaching and Learning Quality Process Review | 教與學質素過程檢討 |
Teaching Exchange Fellowship Scheme | 教學交流院士計劃 |
Teaching Innovation Award | 創新教學獎 |
The Hong Kong Academic and Research Network (HARNET) | 香港學術及研究網 |
THE World University Rankings | 泰晤士高等教育世界大學排名 |
Universitas 21 | 二十一大學協會 |
University Distinguished Teaching Award | 大學卓越教學獎 |
University Grants Committee | 大學教育資助委員會 |
Vision and Mission | 抱負與使命 |
Yuet Hing and Ho Sin Ming Prize in Hong Kong Studies | 悅興及何倩明香港研究獎 |
"973" programme (the National Basic Research Programme of China) | "973"國家重點基礎研究發展計劃 |
"863" programme (the National High Technology Research and Development Programme of China) | "863" 國家高技術研究發展計劃 |